NYSC acquires new vehicles to enhance field operations

NYSC acquires new vehicles to enhance field operations

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has procured new vehicles comprising ambulances and Hilux vans to enhance its field operations.

The vehicles were commissioned by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Barrister Solomon Dalung, at a ceremony held at the NYSC Headquarters, Abuja.

Speaking on the occasion, Dalung noted that the procurement of the vehicles was a demonstration of government's commitment to addressing the challenges in the operations of the NYSC.

Mr Dalung assured Nigerians of the safety of all prospective corps members, as they were set to begin their orientation course on Tuesday.

He said that government had put in place machinery to ensure the safety and protection of lives of the corps members while in their orientation camps.

“The NYSC is so dear to the present administration, hence, we will continue to do everything possible, despite paucity of funds, to ensure that if that is the only legacy Nigeria can leave to the future generation, we will do that."
 “The NYSC has contributed significantly to the promotion of national unity. l often wonder whether Nigeria will still exist without the NYSC,” Dalung said.
Mr. Dalung reiterated that youths remained the fulcrum of building a very good future, adding that government needed to engage them more meaningfully. According to Dalung, the Muhammadu Buhari administration is determined to lay a solid foundation where hope, hard-work, transparency and integrity will flourish.

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Earlier, the NYSC Director-General, Brigadier General Sulaiman Kazaure, had thanked the Federal Government for its continuous support to the Scheme.

He assured that the new vehicles would be deployed for the intended purpose.


Source: NYSC

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