Entrepreneurship: Business related content relevant for start-ups and also for those seeking to grow their companies.
If you are not satisfied with the monthly income that is handed to you by the federal government, here is how to earn extra income as a serving Corps member.
It is no longer news that the monthly allowance allocated to corps members by the federal government and the stipends paid by the state government(in some states) is not enough especially for those who have financial obligations.
Minister hints at mandatory extra year of studies for graduates
10 Habits Of Unsuccessful People You Don’t Want To Copy
NYSC Interest free loan: What you need to know about NYSC WAP
“Success” isn’t just having lots of money. Many people with lots of money have horribly unhappy and radically imbalanced lives.
Success is continuously improving who you are, how you live, how you serve, and how you relate.
The year is about to end and most people have to look back at what feats they have achieved during the year. For some it will be a check on their resolutions for the year. Anywhere I don’t believe in such resolutions, because most people don’t have the disciplines to keep to it.
Interview with Marty Cooper, pioneer of the cell phone.